Managing Stress & Anxiety With Chinese Medicine

Our bodies hold tension, carry trauma, and do their very best to protect us from the onslaught of daily life. We may not always feel or mentally process the grief, the pain, the fear, the sadness, that comes up in daily life, but our body registers our experience. It bears witness to it all. Our bodies have an incredible ability to store some of that uncomfortable material deep in our tissues so that we can go on living day to day, but those experiences remain. ⁠The effects of stress can show up as pain or physical tension yes, but they can also take the form of chronic disease as our bodies desperately try to find ways to get our attention.


Stress and Anxiety are two of the most common complaints I hear from patients these days. The demands of everyday life can bring so many challenges to our bodies and our nervous systems that emotional disruption and feelings of overwhelm can be hard to avoid. With jobs, and families, and friends, and obligations that pull us in so many directions at once it can be challenging to tend to our mental health on a regular basis.

Acupuncture is both calming and regulating to our nervous system which can provide relief in the moment and over the longer term help to moderate the effects of stress on our bodies and minds. Acupuncture invites the potential for somatic release. To free some of that discomfort from the physical body without having to dive deep into verbal processing. It can allow our nervous system to settle and heal, and it can give our minds and our bodies space outside of cognitive processing to release and reset.

Are you ready to take control of stress and anxiety in your life? Curious about how Traditional Chinese Medicine could help support your healing process? Schedule a free consultation today!


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