Acupuncture and Perioral Dermatitis

Can Acupuncture be used as an effective treatment for Perioral Dermatitis (PD)?

While acupuncture can be an effective treatment for managing the underlying stress that is often contributing to perioral dermatitis, it is often secondary to the use of customized herbal medicines for the effective treatment of PD.

Acute stress can be a motivating factor in our lives, to initiate momentum and action, however, when stress becomes chronic it starts to have a negative impact on our health. Chronic stress has been shown to reduce our immune function which contributes to higher levels of inflammation in the body. While inflammation is a necessary part of a healthy functioning body, chronic stress creates a situation where that functional inflammation is no longer kept in check and creates dysfunction in the body. This inflammation can show up in any system of the body, but is commonly seen to affect the gut, the bowels, and the skin due to the intimate connection between the gut and the nervous system, or what has been called the gut-brain axis.

In Chinese Medicine, the Liver organ governs the management of stress in the body. When the Liver is overtaxed due to too much chronic stress on the system, it is not able to process toxins optimally and can prevent the breakdown of inflammation in the body. Signs of a dysregulated Liver can include skin rashes, digestive upset, depression or irritability, sleep difficulties, and menstrual cycle dysfunction (pain, irregularity, clotting, etc). Acupuncture is effective at helping to calm the nervous system and regulate and support the Liver’s natural ability to detoxify the system and keep everything moving smoothly. For all of these reasons some of our patients choose to include acupuncture for it’s calming and stress reducing effects, but it is not required for successful treatment of PD.

To learn more about Perioral Dermatitis and how it can be treated naturally with Traditional Chinese Medicine, click here to read more. If you are struggling with Perioral Dermatitis and are ready to take the next step towards clear skin, schedule a Free Consultation today!


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