How Long Will It Take? Treating Eczema with TCM

How long will I need treatment for my Eczema?

The most common question I get asked about when treating skin disease with Chinese Medicine is, how long will it take? The honest answer is, it depends. Just as there are many factors contributing to your eczema, so too are there many factors that influence the healing process. 


Your Eczema. 

When starting treatment with Chinese Herbal Medicine, we first need to assess what is contributing to your specific presentation of eczema. Eczema that is widespread across the body requires different treatment than eczema that only effects the hands. Eczema that is wet and weepy requires different herbs than eczema that is dry and flakey. Looking at where the eczema lesions are as well as what specific features the lesions have will determine the specific treatment needed. 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), different presentations of eczema are grouped into categories based on similar characteristics called patterns. There are six major patterns of eczema according to TCM, and most people present with a combination of multiple patterns. In general, the more different patterns involved will contribute to how long it will take to resolve. 

What else is going on?

Time is also a factor. Usually, the longer the disease has persisted the more systems we see affected. With eczema, our digestion, sleep, elimination, emotions, menstruation, and more can become impacted to differing degrees of severity over time. This is also why, during your intake you will be asked every possible question imaginable about the state of your health and every bodily function, so we can better understand how your system is operating as a whole. Every detail gives crucial information about what your body needs to heal.

Herbal Medicine.

1 in 10 people will develop eczema during their lifetime.-10.png

In rare cases, individuals are not able to tolerate taking herbal medicines for various reasons. If you are not a good candidate for herbal treatment we will find out quickly by starting with a “test” batch of formula to see how your body responds over the first few days of treatment. During your first intake we will identify any allergens and make sure those are eliminated from any formulas. From there we begin to try you out on different combinations of herbs to see what your body responds to best. There are hundreds of herbs to choose from, so we can make specific substitutions based on your specific presentation. The beauty of TCM is this ability to tailor a formula to a specific person and respond to the individual needs of their system. 

Consistency and Commitment. 

This process will take time. Treatment of eczema with Chinese Herbal Medicine requires regular treatment until the condition stabilizes. This can mean weeks or months of daily herbal therapy. Improvements will happen steadily along the way, but full resolution can take time. 

Questions? Follow the link to find out more about TCM Dermatology or contact Allison for more info.


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