Case Study: Treating Plaque Psoriasis with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sean* came in at the height of his psoriasis. He had been suffering with plaque psoriasis on and off for many years, but it had progressed rapidly within the year prior to seeking treatment. By the time we started herbal treatment his psoriasis was spreading every day to cover most of his limbs, and he was showing signs of advancing edema and infection. He was in pain and discomfort all day long, his sleep was restless due to the discomfort in his skin, and he had started to feel physically unwell.

Sean’s condition had become so advanced by the time he began treatment, the first two weeks of herbal therapy saw little improvement in his skin. However, by Week 3, his psoriasis began to quickly stabilize and recede. By Week 6 of daily herbal therapy his skin was more than 75% clear and by Week 8 his skin was almost completely clear except for a few patches around the webbing of his fingers and hyperpigmentation in areas where his psoriasis had been quite bad. It is quite common when treating skin diseases to have a couple stubborn areas that require extra time to stabilize, and treatment continues until all the skin has stabilized to get the best long term outcome.

In less than 3 months of daily herbal treatment, Sean’s skin was transformed. He was able to exercise without discomfort, sleep comfortably through the night, and shower without a second thought about how it might make his skin feel.

Sean’s skin continues to clear and he is able to use topical creams and ointments to knock back any irritated patches that threaten to reappear. Internal herbs are discontinued when the skin is properly stable and only need to be resumed should a major flare occur.

Everyone’s healing timeline is different depending on their unique contributing factors, but results like Sean’s are not unusual! If you or someone you know is suffering from plaque psoriasis and are interested in learning more about natural and holistic treatment options, contact Allison for more information.

*patient name has been changed to protect their identity

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